c o m p a r i s o n 

C o m p a r i s o n

So! who hasn’t read the famous quote by Theodore Roosevelt and experienced the feeling of not good enough? 

Who hasn’t  read the blogs and  books  that shares a story and remedy of comparing yourself with another . 

If you journey through life you see that it starts early, innocently . Comparing dolls and then coats and then jeans and hair . Then gifting and sociality .  Spiritual comparison bringing the wrong emphasis to faith that teaches love and hope. 

It’s when the comparing causes the emotional torment opposing the beauty of who you essentially are. Going deeper into my heart by reasoning my existence 
My blogging 
Why blog? For me it’s about writing and photography and discovering . 

It’s a journey to find how I fit into the world of life, loving,  living and purpose. 
‘And its waking hearts to life’
It’s observing how I hesitate at how I can grow . Not slotting into the extraordinary or leader or best at anything at all ! 

It’s key for me is in both understanding and accepting, found in two words, the ‘season’ word alongside the ‘unique’ word, with ‘don’t compare’ right across it!  In knowing my season and living it, [see the book Simplify by Bill Hybels ] in valuing my uniqueness and embracing the creative me that does not hide nor listening to the fear that fights to crush and compare. 

There is a fight in me. Inherent in me, to pursue something great glorious and beautiful . 

‘His love is strong it is furious. His love is sweet His love is wild’

To dare, to stand in our current season, to know and experience anew a wildness – strength – holy furious love. 

To dare to believe in a belonging that doesn’t wrap itself around how I can fail. That isn’t about how ashamed I am at being me. How I’m never good enough. Never clever or pretty or creative enough. And young enough!! 

Never c o n f i d e n t enough. 

Sink slowly into…. 
Comparisons because when you aren’t enough you look to see what appears to be enough to copy emulate admire.

Notice that you’re not loved as much or  promoted at all and the diminishing of ones value becomes small and my true purpose is lost. 

We talked before about rising. 
It’s my choice.  To rise – to pray – to read – to drink coffee. Eat a banana, walk ……

To have faith to believe.  To see wisdom and vision . To be enlightened 

 Ephesians 1 Grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life God has for you. 

I rise by faith . Not by measuring my smallness . Not by comparing . I rise because in the middle of the tiny thoughts that say to me you can’t and you’re useless there’s a whisper that never leaves that’s saying into my heart LISTEN TO ME. 

Listen to a love that never needs comparison . 

That roars like a lion to be stronger than my fears. 

That speaks through words that say, you’re wonderful and created to show my glory . Psalm 139. 

  I rise best when I oppose my comparison torture by rising with one who is  my creator and my saviour. 

I rise because I can,

in Him . 
‘You split the sea- So I could walk right through it-You drowned my fears in perfect love’

It’s raining as I write this post . Torrential drops fast and furious fall . The light is diffused by mist and cloud and the slow folding away of summer birthing a new season. 

Seasons depart . 

We all need to learn how to grow or rest in our season. But there is a miracle for every season. 


My hope in this season of mine is to address the truth of the present. What is. Knowing Christ and my revelation for today. Eternal perspective never leaves the horizon. 

Embrace the truth and liberation that is mine . Held in the deliverance that one called Jesus offers me daily . A cross and a furious wild love spoke to me. May it speak clearly with a new voice. May the room with the throne be my glory place. 

Comparing makes me diminished and destroyed.  Cowering and afraid. It is not trusting . 

Jesus love on a crazy cross with arms open of love love love. It says to me a very different story. Curtains torn . Upside down. There’s room. Room for us all . Room for you. That space, my space where I belong and am to be a beautiful ambassador to this love . A daughter who has a belonging where a lion roars for me and the empowering of the godhead explode to shower stars and hope to a nation that needs to know there’s room. 

A furious love 
Let’s walk and learn and move leaning into a love that strips comparison of  ourselves to others,  to one that speaks to His daughter loudest.
I am a child of God

Love Rach 

Post Script :-

Aliza Latta in her post, ‘The opposite of comparison’ which I found when I googled exactly that! 

She says- 

‘God is greater than even our deepest need and larger than even our largest worry’

In her blog post I found the answer to the question  I was asking! 

The opposite to comparison 

is PEACE. 

Of course!!! For when I compare I lose my peace. 

Sharing too in this postscript I was inspirited  by Kate @ playfulday in her piece  about connection on her post in Instagram . 

The quiet network – This is a Network that helps you hold together pieces that you can’t quite figure out how to piece together yet. It has a way of raising you up by saying “I know” with very little contact. It’s just there when it matters. 

It’s right there in the likes. So I can choose peace in not being best liked or I can value the connection I have through the likes. As Kate calls it a network, this relational link that has high value in our wellbeing. The comparison breaks us down peace and connection ‘raise us up! ‘

Note ….
…….Thankful for ….

…… song writers Bethel Music-that inspire a hope that is firmly rooted in Christ, to Jeremy Riddle for the song used here called Furious. 

….. For writers and artists who say important stuff better than I ever could. 

Thank you my reader,  for bringing your lovely self here  to muse my notes . 


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